The nephilim were the children of fallen angels and ordinary women. Her mother had told her this years ago. Her mother, who was so tiny when they laid her out because she shrank as she got older. I'm five foot two and one-half, she'd say, angry if the doctors tried to round the number down, but she knew about the nephilim. She'd read about them in books. How they were giants on the earth before the coming of the floods and how they had left their bones behind. That part wasn't in the Bible, but her mother said it was true. Enormous piles of bones and the sun bleached them and they turned to rock and that's why we have the mountains. Look, she'd say, we can see them from our window and she'd point to Pikes Peak and it looked like skin, that mountain. Pink as skin when the sun hit it and not just piled-up bones.




The boy's name was Teddy Fitz. His baby sister was born that September, and every morning he walked past Freda's houseon his way to school. He didn't close his jacket, not even when the wind started to blow. He wore tennis shoes in the snow. She paid him five dollars toshovel her walk. She bought him knit caps at Walgreens and thick fleece gloves, and he looked so serious while he worked. She could see in his face the manhe’d become, in the set of his jaw and how his eyes slanted downwards.


名叫Teddy Fitz的男孩,他的小妹妹在九月出生,他每天清晨上学的路上都会经过Freda的房子,他从来不拉上外套,即使起风了,在下雪天也只穿着网球鞋。她付他五美元为自己扫雪,还给他在沃伦格林买绒线帽和羊毛厚手套。他工作的时候看起来十分严肃,她甚至可以从他的脸,他的下巴,他的眼睛向下瞟的方式,看到日后他将成为的那个男人的影子。


Five dollars to shovel the walk and seven fifty when summer came because she couldn't push the mower. Another five to help with the bulbs the following September. She told him where to plant them so she wouldn't have to bend. Her knees were starting to go. Pretty soon she'd need a walker.




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